Nanjing Cooked Food Stall (南京大排档)- Retain the Old Flavor

It’s my first time to celebrate the Spring Festival abroad without my family. Though the Spring Festival here in NYC is exotic and blended with vibrancy, I can’s stop thinking of the specialties in my hometown Nanjing – Nanjing Da Pai Dang!



Nanjing DaPaiDang (ND) was open up in 1994 in Nanjing, a Southeast city of China. Now its popularity has reached out to the capital city Beijing. When you enter ND, the outfit of the waiters and their iconic welcoming words with a distinctive accent, and ND’s décor will immediately transcend you into the restaurant cafés existed in the late Qin Dynasty and early Republic (around 1911) in China.  The outfits of the staffs there indicate their roles, whether they are cooks, waiters, waitresses, bartenders, or performers. The décor mimic the bustling food streets in the 1900s with “cooks” hawking about their scrumptious specialties. In ND you can either choose someone to take your order or hanging around with your table tag to order at your favorite stand. Personally it’s more fun to come to the your favorite food stall where you can see the live cooking process and a tempting presentation of all kinds of dishes you can get. Once you finish struggling and finally decide what you’d love to eat, show your table tag to the boasting cook, they will note down your table number in the small order device. When you finish the live order, make sure you can find your way back to the table in the crowd since the food could be on your table already, and you certainly don’t want your food lacks bites after someone passes by your table.



Here are four ND’s signature specialties that you can find nowhere with that level of authenticity in the world-

Handmade taro balls with soup cooking in ancient style—Award-winning traditional desert in China:


Tiny sticky balls/cubes with red bean and fermented-rice wine– My favorite dish and unforgettable hometown flavor!!! Plus, this dish is particularly healthy for women during their “special days”. Luckily, I can cook this desert:


King steamed bun filled with roasted duck – the most distinctive and creative steamed bun ever, you can only eat the authentic one in Nanjing rather than other branches. You’ll certainly miss the appetite organism after the first speechless and juicy bite. Look around, you should be surprised if you can’t find stacks of empty steamers around you:


Large meatball – We call it “the lion’s head”. Don’t be afraid. It’s only because its incredible size and taste. If you close your eyes while you are having the first bite. It’s hard to tell if it’s meat or tofu or mix of other kinds. The only thing you can describe to a friend: how can the “big ball” taste sooo f***ing good?


Last but a must thing to remember: Do not just lost yourself in the food. Try to enjoy Chinese traditional musical storytelling: Suzhou Pingtan.


2 thoughts on “Nanjing Cooked Food Stall (南京大排档)- Retain the Old Flavor”

  1. OMG!!! It looks so delicious! I have not been to Nanjing, and your post just made me start planning a trip to Nanjing during this summer. I have sweet teeth, and I cannot imagine my life without dessert. So you probably can tell what my favorite dishes are ☺. Handmade taro balls with soup and tiny sticky balls/cubes with red bean and fermented-rice wine are my favorite traditional Chinese desserts, but only few place can cook them well. Now I really want to try Nanjing Da Pai Dang, as you recommended.

  2. You strongly recommended Nanjing DaPaiDang to me in class. But I didn’t thought it was so upscale, with such a long history! From the picture, it is like the imperial kitchen, giving an experience of being at a royal banquet. I could not wait to go to Nanjing to have a try! PS: could you teach me how to make the dessert – tiny sticky balls/cubes with red bean and fermented-rice wine? It really helps during my “special days.”

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